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A Guide to Australian Etiquette

Curious about the do’s and don’ts of Australian etiquette? While Australia is known for its laid-back approach to customs and social norms, there are still a few key behaviours to keep in mind to make sure you’re putting your best foot forward.

Let’s go through some essential etiquette tips to help you make a great impression down under.

To the left, to the left…

Australians drive on the left-hand side of the road, and this convention carries over to other parts of Australian streets as well.

When stopping on an escalator, or walking up stairs, always stick to the left and don’t block other people from passing you by resting your hand on the right-side railing. Equally, when walking on the sidewalk, try to stick to the left where possible.

Pay special attention when walking on bike paths. Here, it’s not just a matter of politeness, but also one of safety to stick to the left side.

Personal space

Australia is one of the least densely populated countries in the world. This could be why, even in busy cities, people like to have a fairly large circle of personal space.

It’s considered rude to brush up against someone unless it’s absolutely necessary (like on crowded public transport). When there is space available, try to stay an arm’s length away from people. If you have to invade that space for some reason, an ‘excuse me’ or ‘sorry’ is appropriate.

Unless there’s assigned seating or a movie theatre is completely full, give strangers a couple of chair spaces between you and them.


While tipping wait staff, hotel staff and cab drivers is necessary in the US and some other places, it’s not required in Australia. It is slightly more common to tip in upscale restaurants, but you always have the option of tipping and won’t be frowned upon if you don’t.


Australians call them both elevators and lifts (just to mix it up) but the rules are simple.

It’s polite to hold elevator doors for people who are approaching the elevator. It’s also polite to ask them which floor they are going to if you are standing closest to the buttons – especially if it’s crowded and they are finding it hard to reach over.

Saying hello

Don’t feel as though you should say ‘G’day’ or use the word ‘mate’ a lot. Australians are aware of this stereotype and it can feel a little patronising coming from a visitor. Just saying ‘hello’ and making good eye contact is fine. A handshake may be appropriate if you’re meeting someone with whom you expect to have an ongoing relationship, like a new work colleague.

Even in formal situations, Australians tend to prefer first names. Calling someone (even your boss) ‘Mister’ or ‘Miss’, ‘Sir’ or ‘Ma’am’ can sound a bit serious.

Boarding trains

If you’re waiting to board public transport, be sure to wait for everyone exiting to get out before you try to get on. Not waiting for people to exit first is something that will definitely irritate other travellers – especially early on a Monday morning.

In Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne and a few other capital cities, peak-hour traffic on public transport is under strain, and it’s not exactly difficult to get on other people’s nerves. Check out our Guide to Public Transport Etiquette to find out more.

In business

In Australian business settings, punctuality, friendliness and straightforwardness are valued. A handshake is a common and appropriate greeting for both men and women.

While traditional corporate environments often favour conservative attire with darker colours, many creative and tech industries embrace a more casual dress code. No matter where you work, keeping it neat and presentable is key. If you’re not sure, it’s perfectly okay to ask about the dress code during your interview. It shows you’re keen to fit right in and helps you nail that first impression.

As digital tools become more prevalent, the exchange of business cards is less common. Don’t be concerned if someone doesn’t offer a business card; many professionals now prefer to connect via digital platforms such as LinkedIn, which allows for immediate follow-up and interaction.

Be sure to respect Australia’s 9am to 5pm business hours (this includes emails and messages, unless it’s a matter of urgency).


If someone is within five steps of a door when you’re walking through it, don’t let it slam in their faces. Instead, hold it open for them. This simple act of kindness applies to everyone, regardless of gender. If you see someone carrying items or needing extra help, consider holding the door a bit longer to assist them. Use your best judgment based on the situation, and always aim to be considerate.


In some cultures, queuing is optional or not that common. In Australia the queue is sacred. ‘Pushing-in’ in any situation – at a bar, a service desk or a cashier – is considered rude. Most of the time, it’s pretty obvious where a queue begins and ends, but if you’re in doubt, simply ask, “Excuse me, is this the end of the line?”

If you’re in a crowded place, like a nightclub, pay special attention to who was waiting at the bar to be served before you. If a bar attendant approaches you instead of someone who was there before you, it’s polite to signal that the other person was there first.

Coughing, sneezing and all the rest

The Australian National Health and Medical Research Council spells out the rules nicely: if you’re coughing or sneezing, use a disposable tissue, and if there’s none available, ‘cough or sneeze into the inner elbow rather than the hand’. Why the inner elbow? It’s all science-based! Check out Mythbusters’ The Safe Sneeze test to find out.

Spitting in public places is a big no-no and public urination is considered an offence everywhere in Australia. Best not to do it.


In 1979, when NASA’s Skylab space station came crashing down in Western Australia, the sleepy town of Esperance issued NASA a $400 fine for littering.

Australians take a lot of pride in the state of their environment. While the streets aren’t as clean as in Singapore, littering is not just an affront, but is illegal. A concerted ‘anti-litter’ movement began in the late 1960s and most Australians have grown up with the slogan, ‘Do the right thing – put it in the bin.’

The taboo extends to indoors as well as outdoors. When eating in a food hall, or anywhere where tables and chairs are shared, take rubbish to the bin when you’re finished. In fact, if you can see bins, it’s a sign that you’re expected to use them.

Even in places like cinemas, where people are paid to clean up after you, it’s polite to drop your empty popcorn boxes in the bin on the way out.

Never, ever drop litter or cigarette butts outside! Rubbish dropped on the street eventually ends up in Australia’s waterways, causing pollution and poisoning fish, birds and animals.

Interacting with service staff

Australia has a strong culture of egalitarianism that it doesn’t like to see violated. No matter their job, treat people with equal respect and use ‘please’, ‘thank you’ and ‘excuse me’ with everyone. Never snap your fingers, whistle or yell at service staff to get their attention. As well as being considered rude, the standard of service you receive may drop a little…

At the table

Table manners in Australia are Continental, meaning that the fork goes in the left hand and the knife goes in the right. This is the norm in many parts of Europe too, so you might already be familiar with it.

It’s considered polite to finish everything on your plate as it shows you enjoyed the meal, but if you’re full, it’s perfectly fine to leave some behind—just remember to thank your host or the chef. If you’re done eating, signal to your host or server by placing your knife and fork together in the centre of your plate, handles to the right.


Different cultures have different relationships with time.

Common concepts of time include: linear, multi-active or cyclical. Like many Anglo-Saxon cultures, Australians have a linear relationship with time.

That simply means that time is measured by the clock, not by what someone achieves within a certain amount of time. It is important to arrive at appointments at the actual time specified (and even be a few minutes early), especially in business situations.

But when you’re heading to a social gathering at someone’s house, it’s actually polite to arrive slightly later than the time you were invited. This gives your host a final few moments to get everything ready without any rush.

Making conversation

There aren’t many taboo subjects in Australia, although if you’ve just met someone, it’s best to avoid sensitive topics like race, religion, politics, and sex when you first meet someone. Once you’re more familiar, you might find the right moment to touch on these deeper topics.

Chatting about the weather or sports (Aussies love their AFL!) is always a safe bet. You could also bring up local events or ask about favourite spots to grab a bite. Everyone has hobbies, so asking about what they do in their free time can lead to some great conversations. And who doesn’t like talking about the latest book they’ve read or a movie they’ve enjoyed? These are all easy ways to break the ice and get a good chat going.