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Finding Your Faith Community in Darwin

Darwin, a small yet vibrant city in Australia’s Northern Territory, is home to people from all across the world. Darwin’s diverse inhabitants all contribute their own cultures and beliefs to Darwin’s multicultural landscape.

If you’re interested in finding out more about different belief systems, or you wish to connect with like-minded people who share your own beliefs, consider connecting with your local faith community. Being part of a faith community brings many benefits, from feeling a sense of belonging to being able to access emotional support when you need it.

Read on to discover more about Darwin’s faith communities and how you can connect with them.

Christianity in Darwin

Darwin has a large Christian community that includes many different denominations, such as Catholic, Anglican, Uniting Church, Baptist, Greek Orthodox and Lutheran. Christians in Darwin often attend weekly services, as well as dedicated events over special periods like Easter and Christmas.

Some of the major churches in Darwin include:

Darwin is also home to the Multicultural Christian Fellowship of Australia, an evangelical Christian Church that supports missionary works in Australia and across the globe. It runs regular Sunday services, as well as a Bible study group for those who want to learn more about Christianity.

There are also various online groups for Christians, such as this Facebook group specifically to connect Darwin Christians.

Islam in Darwin

There’s a small but growing Islamic community in Darwin. Much like in Australia’s other major cities, Muslims in Darwin gather together to pray, learn and to celebrate special events.

The Islamic Society of Darwin is the core Islamic organisation in the city and was responsible for building Darwin’s first mosque, the Darwin Mosque and Islamic Centre. There is also a mosque in Palmerston, 20 kilometres from Darwin.

The most important annual event for Darwin’s Islamic community is Ramadan. This involves a month of fasting from mid-March to mid-April each year and ends with the festive holiday of Eid al-Fitr.

Muslims follow a ‘halal’ diet, an Arabic term meaning “permissible”. These dietary rules dictate which foods and drinks are allowed for Muslims to consume. If you’re a practising Muslim, check out our Halal Guide to Darwin to find out about Darwin’s best halal eateries.

Hinduism in Darwin

Darwin’s small but colourful Hindu community has been growing steadily in recent years. Members attend Hindu celebrations as well as come together to worship.

Darwin Sri Sithy Vinayakar Temple is Darwin’s Hindu temple and the home base for the Hindu Society of Northern Territory. The Society offers religious services, Hindu classes, a canteen lunch every Sunday and annual dance events. In the same precinct, you’ll also find Harmony Hall, a community hall for events of various kinds.

The biggest event in the Hindu calendar is Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights. The five-day celebration usually begins at the start of November and is all about welcoming new beginnings. This year, Darwin is putting on a huge Neon Diwali Bollywood Bash as part of its celebrations.

Buddhism in Darwin

The Buddhist community in Darwin typically gathers to practise meditation and to share and learn about Buddhist teachings and philosophy. Members often also conduct their own individual practice at home.

Darwin International Buddhist Temple was built around 40 years ago. It runs programs with a range of Buddhist societies, such as the Sri Lankan Buddhist Society, the Vietnamese Buddhist Society of the Northern Territory and the Darwin Western Zen Group. Its programs include talks, meditation classes, individual spiritual inquiry and even dance classes.

Judaism in Darwin

Darwin’s Jewish community is quite small and, at this stage, there is no synagogue. This means that Jewish people living in Darwin practise their faith informally, including at home. Small groups of Jewish people in Darwin also gather to celebrate events like Jewish New Year.

Other faiths in Darwin

Darwin is also home to smaller faith communities such as the Sikh and Baha’i communities. Check out these organisations to find out more: