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How to Find ‘Hidden’ Jobs as an International Student in Australia

Finding a job as an international student in Australia can be challenging. However, there is a ‘hidden’ job market you may not know about! 

There are a number of job opportunities that aren’t advertised on job boards and are instead filled through referrals and word of mouth. In fact, It’s believed that between 60% and 80% of jobs are secured via the hidden job market in Australia (Career Success Australia).

So, here are some strategies to help you tap into these ‘hidden’ opportunities and enhance your chances of securing a job as an international student in Australia.

1. Build relationships with lecturers and classmates

Your lecturers or tutors often have connections with industry professionals and may be able to recommend you for internships or job positions. Similarly, your classmates can share their insights, especially those who have experience working in Australia.

2. Join professional associations

Becoming a member of professional organisations related to your area of study can provide access to networking events, conferences, and seminars. Through these communities, you can make connections, ask questions about working in that industry and potentially learn about any job opportunities.

3. Tap into alumni networks

Reach out to alumni through your university’s career services or LinkedIn, and ask them for a virtual or in-person catchup. They can provide advice, share their experiences, and potentially refer you to job openings within their organisations. This is especially powerful if you can find former international students now working in Australia, as they were once in your shoes!

4. Attend job and career fairs

Job and career fairs bring together employers from various industries, offering a chance to meet recruiters face-to-face and learn about job openings. Before attending a job fair, research the companies that will be present and prepare your questions in advance. After the fair, make sure to follow up with the connections you made by sending a thank-you email or message on LinkedIn.

5. Utilise LinkedIn for professional networking

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for building your professional network and uncovering job opportunities. Make sure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date with a high-quality photo, a compelling headline, and a summary highlighting your skills and experiences. List relevant work experiences, education, and certifications, and stay active by posting, commenting and engaging with industry-related content.

Final tips

Building professional relationships is crucial for discovering hidden job opportunities. This involves not only meeting people but also maintaining those connections over time.

  1. Be genuine and authentic
    When networking, focus on building genuine relationships rather than solely seeking job opportunities. Show an authentic interest in others’ experiences and career paths. This approach helps create lasting connections that can potentially lead to job referrals.
  2. Keep in touch
    Stay in contact with your network by regularly updating them on your career progress. Sending occasional messages or catching up over coffee can keep you top of mind when job opportunities arise.
  3. Offer value
    Networking is a two-way street. Look for ways to offer value to your connections, whether by sharing useful information, offering to help with a project, or providing introductions to others in your network.

Finally, it’s important to have a strong mindset of resilience, persistence and openness to learning. The right opportunity will come and it’s important to remember you’re not alone in this journey, communities such as Stint, an online community and job platform for international students, are a great place to find support!