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Your Survival Guide to Group Assignments in Australia

Group work is a vital part of Australian education, and if the very thought makes you break into a nervous sweat, don’t worry! It might feel a bit daunting now, but it’s better to learn these collaborative skills before entering the workforce.

With the right approach and some helpful insights, group assignments can become a rewarding and even enjoyable part of your academic journey. So, let’s dive into your group assignment survival guide.

Why are group assignments important?

Group assignments aren’t just about completing a project. They’re a hands-on way to learn essential life skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. By mastering these now, you’ll be better prepared for future work and social situations.

1. Choosing your teammates

It’s nice to work with friends, so if you’re allowed to choose your own group, pick people who you get along with. On the other hand, it’s just as important to choose teammates who are committed and have complementary skills. Once you have your group, get to know everyone in it. Becoming friends will help you to deal with any obstacles that arise during the assignment.


  • Look for diverse skills: Different perspectives and abilities add strength to your team.
  • Discuss expectations: Talk openly about what you all hope to achieve and how you’ll work together.
  • Identify strengths: Knowing what each team member excels at can help when dividing tasks.

2. Defining roles and responsibilities

Clear roles help everyone know what they’re supposed to do, reducing confusion later.


  • Match tasks to skills: Assign roles based on what people are good at.
  • Consider rotating roles: Try to make sure everyone gets a go at the role they like best. Plus, sharing different tasks can keep the project interesting.
  • Keep checking in: Regular updates ensure that everyone stays on track.

3. Planning and scheduling

A well-structured plan helps guide the project, aligns the team with the timeline, and helps in monitoring progress.


  • Break it down: Create a detailed timeline with individual tasks, deadlines, and dependencies between tasks.
  • Use technology wisely: Digital tools can be vital for coordinating schedules, especially for remote collaboration.
  • Build in buffer time: Plans often change. Having some flexibility in the schedule can reduce stress when unexpected issues arise.

4. Handling Conflicts

Sometimes conflict will arise within groups. Whether they are big or small, it’s important not to panic and know that there are steps you can take to avoid and resolve disagreements.


  • Don’t ignore a problem: When your first notice an issue, try to deal with it when it arises, otherwise it might grow into an even bigger problem later.
  • Be honest (but polite): If there is something you feel you need to say, speak as clearly as you can about what it is and why you feel it’s important. This will help your group members understand your point of view. Saying things politely will lessen the chance of causing more disagreement.
  • Listen: Make sure you take the time to really listen to other people’s points of view. They will appreciate that you think their views are important.
  • Separate people from the problem: Approach the conflict as a problem to be solved – not as a personal or emotional issue. This will help you to avoid personal arguments and see solutions more clearly.
  • Seek help and advice: If there is a conflict that really cannot be solved, or you feel you cannot talk to your group members, seek out your teacher or your university’s support services for help and advice on how best to deal with the situation.

5. Using Technology

Tech is a vital member of your team – always available to assist with organisation, facilitate communication and provide solutions that make the project’s workflow more manageable and enjoyable.


  • Choose the right tools: Whether it’s Google Docs for real-time editing or Milanote for brainstorming, picking the right tool can make collaboration smooth and easy. Think of the needs of your group. Are you spread across different locations? Tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams might be the bridge to keep you all connected.
  • Offer support: Not everyone might be familiar with the tools you choose. If someone’s new to, say, Trello for project management, why not spend a few minutes at the beginning of the project to guide them through it?
  • Keep in touch: Regular communication is key, and that’s where tools like WhatsApp group chats or weekly Zoom calls come into play. They allow you to share progress, ask questions and feel like a cohesive team, even when you’re miles apart.

6. Celebrate as a group

When the project ends, take time to reflect on what you’ve learned and celebrate your achievements.


  • Discuss the experience: Share what went well and what could have been better.
  • Celebrate together: Recognise your hard work with a fun get-together after.
  • Say thanks!: It’s a small gesture, but it can really strengthen your working relationships. It’s a way to show appreciation, acknowledge effort, and create a more positive atmosphere within the group.