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10 Ways to Make Your Student Accommodation Feel Like Home

This article is sponsored by Campus Perth

Career path? Sorted. Study destination? Tick. Now, it’s time to consider where you’ll rest after a day of classes, and how to elevate your living space. 

Check out our tips and tricks on how to transform your student accommodation so you can feel at home in a new place. 

1. Choose the right accommodation type

A few factors will come into play before you decide on the most suitable accommodation for you

Do you prefer your own space? A studio could be the perfect option. Would you like to live with other people, be social and make friends? Shared student accommodation or co-living is a great choice.

When looking for accommodation, make sure you consider your budget, the location and proximity to public transport. Remember not to rush your decision; take time to weigh your options. Draw up a list of pros and cons to help you understand your priorities.

2. Add personal touches to your space

Making your student accommodation feel like home is all about the little things that remind you of where you come from. Start by putting up some photos of your family and friends—maybe even a collage on the wall. 

It’s also a good idea to bring a few favourite items from home, like that cosy blanket you always rug up with or a special mug for your morning coffee. These personal items can really help make your new place feel more comfortable and inviting.

Don’t forget to add a touch of your culture! Hang up a small flag, some traditional textiles or art pieces from your home country. These not only make your space more personal but also give you a great way to share your heritage with new friends.

3. Find your aesthetic

Turn to places like Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube or TikTok for bedroom inspiration and to create a mood board for the type of room you want to create. From minimalist, colourful, dark and moody, modern elegance and everything in between, there’s a room aesthetic to fit every style. 

Target and Kmart room decor pieces can be affordable choices for decorative items when you’re on a budget. 

4. Invite friends into your home

Welcoming people over to your space to hang out is one of the best ways to feel at home. Why not organise a movie and popcorn night, or host a potluck dinner evening where everyone brings a dish? You could even start a regular game night or study group to make your place a hub for fun and productivity.

Making your accommodation an inviting space for friends will help you love your home even more.

5. Soft furnishings make a big impact

Bedroom accessories such as a rug, curtains and throw pillows can instantly warm up a space. Layering these pieces adds comfort to your student accommodation while injecting texture and visual interest. 

Choose natural fabrics like cotton, wool and linens, and opt for complementing colours that match your interior style. If you’re prone to mess, you may consider choosing items that can easily be washed or even stain-resistant pieces. 

6. Light up your space

There’s something to be said about the way Danish people live. They follow a concept called hygge, which essentially means ‘a quality of cosiness and comfort that evokes a feeling of wellbeing’. For them, hygge is a warm blanket, a hot cup of tea, or proper lighting to lift a space. 

The addition of lamps or candles can easily infuse a sense of hygge into your room, making it feel like a home.

7. Become a plant parent

Adding greenery to the living space is another way to improve your home through cheap home decor pieces. Not only do plants look fantastic and make wonderful aesthetic room decor, but they can also increase the air quality in your home. 

Most supermarkets in Australia sell plants, so if you can’t make it to the nursery, stock up during your next grocery trip.

8. Decorate your home for the seasons

As an international student, you have an opportunity to bring your accommodation to life through the celebration of festivals.

There are often parties organised in student accommodation for significant holidays, including Ramadan, Christmas, Halloween, Holi, and Lunar New Year. You could even set up your own party! Take the time to celebrate holidays with your new student family.

9. Rearrange the layout

Don’t be afraid to add a little feng shui to your space to make it work for you. Sometimes, it takes simple steps like moving your study space to another corner of the room before it feels right for you. 

A little tip for a significant impact is to keep all your furniture up against the walls and add some mirrors to reflect light, which helps to open up your living space.

10. Make it smell like home

Scents can bring comfort and a sense of familiarity, which is especially important when you’re far from home. Add some scents throughout your space, like incense, air fresheners, or essential oil diffusers, to create a pleasant and inviting atmosphere. Choose scents that remind you of home—whether it’s lavender, vanilla, or a specific spice blend that’s common in your culture.

Remember: home is where the heart is, so fill your space with love and items that warm your heart!

Looking to make your student accommodation feel like home? Campus Perth and Campus Melbourne provide a welcoming community, amazing amenities and stylish, fully furnished rooms so you’ll have everything you need to begin personalising your space. Ready to see what they have to offer? Head over to their websites and book your spot today!