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What You Need to Know About the COVID-19 ‘Vaccine Passport’ in Australia
*Note: The information below was correct as of  19 February 2021 and readers should refer to the Australian Government Department of... Read More


Comparing COVID-19 Lockdowns Around the World
While many countries entered 2021 with new health guidelines and lockdown orders to control the rapid outbreak of COVID-19, other countries... Read More


How To Prepare For ‘Snap’ COVID-19 Lockdowns
Most of us in Australia have experienced what it’s like to live through a lockdown. Despite the initial wave of COVID-19 reaching our... Read More


Can I Travel Internationally in 2021?
*Note: The information below was correct at the time of publishing and readers should refer to the Department of Home Affairs website for... Read More


Everything International Students Need to Know About The COVID-19 Vaccine in Australia
After over a year of uncertainty brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, some relief is in sight as more vaccines are approved for use across... Read More


Victoria’s Short-Term Recovery Plan to Support Students and Sector
The Victorian Government is backing international education with an action plan of scholarships, research partnerships, increased student... Read More


Job Ads Targeting International Students Offering Below the Minimum Wage
If you’re currently working or looking for work in Australia, you need to be aware of some concerning new information surrounding illegal... Read More

coronavirus SPONSORED

A Guide to COVID-19 Support in Tasmania
The coronavirus pandemic has left many international students in extremely challenging circumstances, feeling unsure of where to turn for... Read More


A Guide to the New Restrictions in South Australia
From midnight on 19 November, South Australia was plunged into a six-day ‘circuit breaker’ lockdown. Premier Steven Marshall and Public... Read More


Aussie Prime Minister Announces Delays for International Students
Many international students had previously been looking forward to returning to Australia to complete their studies, but Prime Minister... Read More