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Rental Wins for International Students in Melbourne
The COVID-19 pandemic has put an incredible strain on international students renting in Australia. Fortunately, as reported by SBS,... Read More


How Does the US Election Affect Australia?
The United States presidential election is one of the most anticipated events in the world. In particular, the 2020 election between... Read More


Australian Universities Offer Tuition Fee Rebates to Offshore International Students
Educational institutions across Australia have started offering tuition fee rebates to international students who have been studying... Read More


Melbourne’s Reopening and What it Means For You
From midnight on 27 October, metropolitan Melbourne moved into Third Step restrictions. People have celebrated by rushing to their local... Read More


Adelaide Pilot Program Officially Going Ahead
*Information correct as of the time of publication. International students are due to head back to Adelaide, with the South Australian... Read More


International Students are Impacting Australia’s Decreasing Rent Prices
Rent prices in Australia are dropping significantly as a result of the pandemic according to SQM Research. Rent prices in Sydney have... Read More

City of Sydney SPONSORED

How International Students in Sydney Are Being Supported Through the Pandemic
This article was written by Chris Southwood, City of Sydney More than 178,000 international students each year study in Sydney, bringing... Read More

coronavirus SPONSORED

Student Story: Finding Silver Linings During COVID-19
The events industry felt the impact of COVID-19 faster than most. As the virus spread and events were cancelled around the world, the... Read More


Australian Government Announces Changes to Partner Visas
As part of the recent Federal Budget announcement, the Australian Government has revealed changes to the rules around partner... Read More


How to Eat Well on a Budget
When you’re juggling study and work commitments, maintaining a healthy diet can be challenging. Doing it on a student budget, stuck at... Read More